Horizon view 7.5 vGPU load balancing

Published by Richard on

If you use Horizon View 7.5 or 7.6 be aware the vGPU powered VM placement on ESXi hosts has been changed in these versions. VMware wrote this kb article for this change.

If you use Horizon View 7.5 or 7.6 and use a single vGPU profile for all desktops you need to modify the ESXi Host GPU assignment policy to Best Performance:

ESXi Host GPU assignment policy

You will also need to turn on the Max Performance Mode through ADSI for each VMware Virtual Center server:

ADSI Editor pae-NameValuePair

Be aware of the following!

If you edit vCenter servers in Horizon View after this change through the GUI (View Admin – View Configuration – Servers) this change will be undone if you click OK in the following screen:

Edit vCenter Server settings dialog

You will need to go back to ADSI edit everytime to turn on the Max Performance Mode option since closing this dialog with OK will always overwrite the settings in the ADAM database!